Our Kia Piki te Ora team work across the Rotorua region, we have a distinctive character and approach to Maori Suicide Prevention grounded in tikanga Māori, focused on services by Māori and for Māori. We work at a Public Health and Strategic level, and work collaboratively with key stakeholders.
Since 2016, we have been driving the Turamarama ki te Ora National Maori Strategy for Addressing Suicide. Our annual programme endeavors to implement the following actions:
- Whakahā Mauri – Facilitate culturally and clinically safe practices through effective community/whānau development, hope-building, and leadership development.
- Whakatū Mauri – Build safe collective networks that encourage all those with an interest in suicide prevention to participate.
- Whakapūmau Mauri – Enable and support hope-building in suicide prevention. For example. Include such practises such as story-telling; whakawhitiwhiti kōrero, kōrero tahi; use of pūrakau; and tā moko for cultural and whakapapa reconnection and healing.
- Whakaoho Mauri – Fostering Māori Healing Practises that are culturally valued and effective.
Turamarama ki te Ora
Turamarama Declaration
The Tūramarama Declaration (Durie, 2016) was tabled by Sir Mason Durie at the World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference 2016-an event coordinated by Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Pikiao. The Declaration allows first nations people to participate in a global movement for indigenous suicide prevention that honours the status of indigenous peoples as tangata whenua. Each of the 14 clauses was written in non-clinical language and proposes to support Māori from a state of mauri noho (languishing) to a state of mauri ora (flourishing). Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Pikiao has taken the lead in implementation of the Tūramarama Declaration, driving the Tūramarama ki te Ora National Māori Strategy for Addressing Suicide and developing our own Projects and kaupapa, guided by Tūramarama ki te Ora.

To download a copy of the Tūramarama Declaration, please click this link.
To download a copy of the Tūramarama National Māori Strategy for Addressing Suicide click this link.
Our kaupapa
Our team has been working with a number of local and regional organizations, healing practioners, rongoa experts and community members, to bring a Te Ao Māori approach to Suicide Prevention-with a specific focus on wellbeing from Te Arawa World view.
If you are keen to be involved or find out more-please get in touch.
Here is a list of some of our initiatives:
Te Ara o te Ora Rongoa Roopu
Our rongoā initiative aims to build on our community and whanau knowledge and understanding of rongoā māori as a pathway to Māori Wellbeing. Our rongoā initiative includes rongoa clinics, noho marae and the establishment of a Rongoa and Kai Maara at Waikawau on the eastern side of Rotorua. Our clinics are open to the public, every Wednesday in the Rotorua CBD. Please contact Pia Rongo on the details below to find out more.

Turamarama healing wananga
Tūramarama ki te Ora Healing wānanga are a collaboration with community and whānau to improve access to holistic wellbeing and healing. Healing wānanga encourage whānau, iwi and hapu to connect our community to healers and a range of healing modalities. Dates for our 2023-2024 wananga will be released soon.

Karawhiua-Rangatahi Voice Rotorua
Rangatahi Voice Rotorua, is an online space created, through a Pūtake Nui initiative, to ensure Rotorua rangatahi have a voice in decisions that concern them and to increase the value and impact of youth voice.
For more information please click the link below:
Kaeawhiua – Rangatahi Voice Rotorua

Tane Hauora Waiteti Marae March 2023
On the 19th March we hosted a Tane Hauora Day at Waiteti Marae, Ngongotaha. This was a day with a focus on Mens Wellbeing offering a range of services available in our community to support our tane, as well as free resources, tools and info for our local community.
We would like to thank our community, Ngāti Ngāraranui, our ringwera, guest speakers, provider stalls and all the other amazing kai mahi-it was a great collaboration :)
A huge mihi and thank you to our sponsors:
● Patua te Taniwha Charitable Trust
● Te Whatu Ora
● Papatuanuku
● Mana enhancing charitable trust
● Polynesian Spa
● Bunnings
● My Barber
● Farm Source Reporoa
We Look forward to the next one-heres some pics from our day!

For more information please follow us on FB:
Or contact one of our team members:
Te Pae Akurangi Fitzell
KPTO Project Lead tfitzell@pikiaorunanga.org.nz
Pia Rongo
KPTO Coordinator prongo@pikiaorunanga.org.nz
Hera Merito
KPTO Coordinator hmerito@pikiaorunanga.org.nz
Where can I get help?
For an emergency – please phone 111
For Rotorua/Taupo region Mental health Crisis Team ring 0800 166 167
Free call or text 1737 for support from a trained counsellor
Free text 4357 (HELP)
0800 376 633
Free text 234