- Puhaorangi – Te Kuraimonoa
- Ohomairangi
- Ruamuturangi
- Taunga
- Mawake
- Uruika
- Rangitapu
- Atuamatua
- Houmaitawhiti
- Tamatekapua
- Kahumatamomoe
- Tawakemoetahanga
- Uenukumairarotonga
- Rangitihi
- Kawatapuarangi
- Pikiao 1
- Tamakari
- Pikiao 2
From Te Tumu in the West, stretching eastward along the coast to Pikowai, and heading inland along the Waimimiha Stream, extending to the west of Rotoma and encompassing Rotoma, Rotoehu, Rotoiti, and a portion of Rotorua. Then advancing along the Hururu Stream, up to the Kaituna river, down to the Kaituna estuary and back along the cost to Te Tumu.
“Ko tenei te rohe potae o Ngati Pikiao, a, ko nga whenua, nga moana me nga awa nei, kei raro i te mana o nga uri o Kawatapuarangi, te tupuna whakahirahira o te Iwi o Ngati Pikiao”
Nga Marae Ki Te Rohe O Ngāti Pikiao

Houmaitawhiti / Hinekukutirangi Pounamanui Marae Hapu: Ngati Hinekura

Kahumatamomoe / Hinetapaturangi Waiatuhi Marae Hapu: Ngati Paruaharanui

Paruaharanui / Waiwaha Paruaharanui Marae Hapu: Ngati Paruaharanui

Te Takinga / Hineroa Hohowai Marae Hapu: Ngati Te Takinga

Rakeiao / Maruahangaroa Te Tapuaekura Marae Hapu: Ngati Rongomai

Ngapumanawa e Waru / Awatakupuwhaia Te Hiurangi Marae Hapu: Ngati Rongomai

Tarawhai / Rangimaikuku a Murimanu Te Waikohatu Marae Hapu: Ngati Tarawhai

Rangitihi / Manawakotokoto Opatia Marae Hapu: Ngati Hinerangi | Ngati Hinekiri

Hinekura / Niniurangi Tawhakarere Marae Hapu: Ngati Hinekura

Uruika / Kauiarangi Tapuaeharuru Marae Hapu: Ngati Tamateatutahi | Ngati Kawiti

Te Rangiunuora / Te Wetenga a Uru Taurua Marae Hapu: Ngati Te Rangiunuora

Uenukumairarotonga / Te Ao Kapurangi Punawhakareia Hapu: Ngati Te Rangiunuora
On 11th November 1986[1] a hui was convened at Te Takinga marae Mourea, by Ngati Pikiao East and West Trusts. The purpose of the hui was to amalgamate the resources of both Trusts, and to discuss the formation of a Runanga or Umbrella Entity for all of the hapu.
Two weeks later on 29th November 1986[2], a hui-a- Iwi was again convened at Te Takinga to discuss the formation of a Runanga. There were several issues voiced by Iwi members, and included;
“Set up a life-skill module for young people” – Christine Tamati
“Work had to be found in Ngati Pikiao to overcome travelling problems” – Sam Emery
“Get a sewing module underway” – Merepota Henry
“Create jobs that would allow training to give our unemployed a better chance of permanent employment” – Consensus of all.
Also of paramount importance for Ngati Pikiao, was the continued polluting of Lake Rotoiti from Lake Rotorua.
Following further discussion, Arapeta Tahana moved that a steering committee be set up to investigate the establishment of a Runanga. The steering committee members nominated were Stan Newton, David Whata, Pirihira Fenwick, Joe Malcolm and Arapeta Tahana.
On 28th February 1987, a hui-a-Iwi was held at Tapuaeharuru, Rotoiti. Matiu Rata (MP for Northern Maori 1963-1980) had been invited to attend the hui, and he brought with him a draft Constitution for Ngati Pikiao to consider. Dan Whata asked that the steering committee review the Constitution and then report their findings back to the Iwi. It was recorded that the hui lasted for 7 hours
(including kai), which was indicative of the range of issues tabled for discussion.
The steering committee met several times between February and June of 1987 to review the draft Constitution. Local Solicitor Jan Walker was appointed by the committee to assist them in the formation of the Runanga, while local Chartered Accounting firm Hinton and Hulton were engaged to handle the secretariat functions of the steering committee.
On 28th June 1987[3] a hui-a-iwi was held at Te Takinga marae. The draft Constitution was tabled for discussion and was subsequently adopted by Ngati Pikiao. Of significant note was the explicit intent of the first two objectives of the Constitution which were:
To foster, promote and expand the social, educational, economic, cultural, spiritual and recreational interests of all tribal members
To promote and foster tribal lore, language and customs
On 13th November 1987, the Runanga was approved as an Incorporated Society. On 22 February 2002, the Runanga changed its legal status from an Incorporated Society to a Charitable Trust.
[1] Meeting Minutes held 11th November 1986
[2] Meeting Minutes held 29th November 1986
[3] Meeting minutes held 28th June 1987
Runanga Services:
In 2023, the Runanga continues to offer e a wide range of mainly free services to Ngati Pikiao, Iwi Maori, and non-Maori, in the GP Health and Iwi Social Service spaces. You can read more about the services the Runanga currently offers on our ‘Service’ pages.
Now, in its 36th year, the Runanga maintains its focus as an Iwi organization that is committed to ensuring that Ngati Pikiao thrives, prospers and influences where every pepi, is given the best start in life, and every tamariki, rangatahi, pakeke and kaumatua has the opportunity to:
- Know their whakapapa and culture
- Be healthy and safe
- Build resilience
- Enjoy and achieve
- Maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives
- Achieve economic well-being