Tumu Whakahaere
Mapihi Raharūhi
Te Runanga o Ngati Pikiao Board Chairperson
Ko Houmaitāwhiti te marae
Ko Hinekukutirangi te whare manaaki
Ko Ngāti Hinekura te hapu
Ko Māpihi Raharūhi tokū ingoa
My whakapapa comes from my father, Te Ponui (Beau) Raharuhi who is Ngāti Hinekura. My mother hails from Ngāti Waiora/Ngāti Maniapoto. Both my parents held various roles in the Runanga during their ‘time.’
I am an enthusiastic advocate for Māori health and wellbeing and have spearheaded initiatives to improve health outcomes within my wider community. I have held key positions in health and am known for promoting culturally responsive healthcare practices, addressing disparities, and influencing policy development at a national level. I am dedicated to improving the health of Māori and communities to continue to drive positive change across New Zealand.
I have recently achieved a Master of Indigenous Leadership studies and have started my PhD studies in ‘Applying a whakapapa approach to achieving equity for Māori.’
I can be found in my maara where I like to grow kai using traditional practices in my quiet time. Other downtime is filled with the joy of my mokopuna. I actively contribute to my iwi’s efforts to maintain the responsibilities that guide mokopuna decisions.
I have served as the Chairperson of the Runanga and have done so for over five years. This is a pivotal role in guiding the governance and strategic direction of the Runanga. I have a strong commitment to advancing the interests and well-being of Ngāti Pikiāo, and I bring experience in leadership, health and education insights, and community development. In my work I bring an emphasis on the importance of cultural heritage, social equity, and sustainable growth for our iwi. The Runanga Board has focused on various initiatives, including education, health, and economic development, striving to enhance the quality of life for our whanau, hapu, and wider iwi.
Ko Hinekukutirangi te whare manaaki
Ko Ngāti Hinekura te hapu
Ko Māpihi Raharūhi tokū ingoa
My whakapapa comes from my father, Te Ponui (Beau) Raharuhi who is Ngāti Hinekura. My mother hails from Ngāti Waiora/Ngāti Maniapoto. Both my parents held various roles in the Runanga during their ‘time.’
I am an enthusiastic advocate for Māori health and wellbeing and have spearheaded initiatives to improve health outcomes within my wider community. I have held key positions in health and am known for promoting culturally responsive healthcare practices, addressing disparities, and influencing policy development at a national level. I am dedicated to improving the health of Māori and communities to continue to drive positive change across New Zealand.
I have recently achieved a Master of Indigenous Leadership studies and have started my PhD studies in ‘Applying a whakapapa approach to achieving equity for Māori.’
I can be found in my maara where I like to grow kai using traditional practices in my quiet time. Other downtime is filled with the joy of my mokopuna. I actively contribute to my iwi’s efforts to maintain the responsibilities that guide mokopuna decisions.
I have served as the Chairperson of the Runanga and have done so for over five years. This is a pivotal role in guiding the governance and strategic direction of the Runanga. I have a strong commitment to advancing the interests and well-being of Ngāti Pikiāo, and I bring experience in leadership, health and education insights, and community development. In my work I bring an emphasis on the importance of cultural heritage, social equity, and sustainable growth for our iwi. The Runanga Board has focused on various initiatives, including education, health, and economic development, striving to enhance the quality of life for our whanau, hapu, and wider iwi.
Tepora Apirana
Trustee Representative for Punawhakareia
Kei te Ohautanga o Potakatawhiti ko Te Ohu.
Kei Motutawa ko Haukeka.
Kei Atuareretahi ko Taranui.
Kei Rawāhirua ko Mokai.
Kei Te Mataarae-i-Orehu ko Puwhakaoho.
Kei Tapaniao ko Urutohatoha.
Kei Wharetaingamoko ko Pikiaowera.
Kei Te Papatu ko Whakahau.
Kei Matawhaura ko Te Kokako-peke-wero-a-Te Wahatuoro.
Ko nga pou enei o Te Tokotoru-a-Manawakotokoto e ihi nei ki te ra.
Tihei Tu Paiahaha!
Ko Matawhaura te maunga
Ko Te Rotoiti-i-kite-ai-a-Ihenga te moana
Ko Ngāti Pikiao te Iwi
Ko Te Arawa te Waka
Ko Ngāti Te Rangiunuora, Ngāti Hinekura, Ngāti Te Takinga, Ngāti Hinerangi, Ngāti Hinekiri, ngā hapū
Ko ahau tēnei ko Tepora Apirana,
Tēnā kotau kai aku rangatira, ngā puhi kākākura, ngā toki kākā tarahae, ngā pae maunga, me herenga waka, ngā tauwhirotanga o te wāhi ngaro ki ā kotau katoa,
Kōtau kua huri ki tua o paerau, e whakaeke nei ki runga i te waka o Rangi kia whetūrangihia ki te pō, moe mai rā ki te rangatiratanga o te mate, hoki mai ki a tātau e ora nei,
“Herea te weri o te kiki Kia kore ai e matata!” Tihei mauri ora.
Kia Ora Koutou, My name is Tepora Apirana (nee Merito) and I have been a board member for Te Runanga o Ngāti Pikiao for 9 years. I have a breadth of experience working in the mental health and addictions space and have worked as a Manager and/or Counsellor for over 20 years.
I currently live with my beautiful husband Doug, Mama and Papa, my tamariki Wahineiti, Mamaeroa and my Aunty Kiri at our slice of paradise in Otaramarae Bay.
Kei Motutawa ko Haukeka.
Kei Atuareretahi ko Taranui.
Kei Rawāhirua ko Mokai.
Kei Te Mataarae-i-Orehu ko Puwhakaoho.
Kei Tapaniao ko Urutohatoha.
Kei Wharetaingamoko ko Pikiaowera.
Kei Te Papatu ko Whakahau.
Kei Matawhaura ko Te Kokako-peke-wero-a-Te Wahatuoro.
Ko nga pou enei o Te Tokotoru-a-Manawakotokoto e ihi nei ki te ra.
Tihei Tu Paiahaha!
Ko Matawhaura te maunga
Ko Te Rotoiti-i-kite-ai-a-Ihenga te moana
Ko Ngāti Pikiao te Iwi
Ko Te Arawa te Waka
Ko Ngāti Te Rangiunuora, Ngāti Hinekura, Ngāti Te Takinga, Ngāti Hinerangi, Ngāti Hinekiri, ngā hapū
Ko ahau tēnei ko Tepora Apirana,
Tēnā kotau kai aku rangatira, ngā puhi kākākura, ngā toki kākā tarahae, ngā pae maunga, me herenga waka, ngā tauwhirotanga o te wāhi ngaro ki ā kotau katoa,
Kōtau kua huri ki tua o paerau, e whakaeke nei ki runga i te waka o Rangi kia whetūrangihia ki te pō, moe mai rā ki te rangatiratanga o te mate, hoki mai ki a tātau e ora nei,
“Herea te weri o te kiki Kia kore ai e matata!” Tihei mauri ora.
Kia Ora Koutou, My name is Tepora Apirana (nee Merito) and I have been a board member for Te Runanga o Ngāti Pikiao for 9 years. I have a breadth of experience working in the mental health and addictions space and have worked as a Manager and/or Counsellor for over 20 years.
I currently live with my beautiful husband Doug, Mama and Papa, my tamariki Wahineiti, Mamaeroa and my Aunty Kiri at our slice of paradise in Otaramarae Bay.
George Haimona
Trustee Representative for Taheke
Tēna kōtou, Ko George Haimona tōku ingoa. He Pikiao, he Arawa tēnei e mihi atu nei. Ko ahau te māngai o Taheke marae ki te pōari o Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Pikiao.
I pakeke mai ahau ki Ōtaramarae, ki raro i ngā parirau ātawhai o ngā koroua me ngā kuia o te iwi nei.
Nā rātau tēnei kaupapa i whakatakoto ake. Ka mutu, nā rātau hoki ngā mātāpono mo te ānamata i whakatō ki roto i ahau.
Ko wāku iho pūmanawa ko te reo me ōna tikanga, ko wō tātau marae, ko wā tātau tamariki, ā, ko te oranga o te iwi nui tonu.
Ko au hoki te Kaihautū Ratonga Māori ki Te Rua Mahara o Te Kawanatanga. Ko au tētehi o ngā kaitiaki i ngā puranga Māori o te motu nei. Ka nui hoki taku aroha ki wēnei momo mahi.
I pakeke mai ahau ki Ōtaramarae, ki raro i ngā parirau ātawhai o ngā koroua me ngā kuia o te iwi nei.
Nā rātau tēnei kaupapa i whakatakoto ake. Ka mutu, nā rātau hoki ngā mātāpono mo te ānamata i whakatō ki roto i ahau.
Ko wāku iho pūmanawa ko te reo me ōna tikanga, ko wō tātau marae, ko wā tātau tamariki, ā, ko te oranga o te iwi nui tonu.
Ko au hoki te Kaihautū Ratonga Māori ki Te Rua Mahara o Te Kawanatanga. Ko au tētehi o ngā kaitiaki i ngā puranga Māori o te motu nei. Ka nui hoki taku aroha ki wēnei momo mahi.
Chanelle Spurr
Trustee Representative for Tapuaeharuru
Ko Chanelle Spurr tōku ingoa.
He uri āhau tēnei nō Ngāti Tamateatutahi | Ngāti Kawiti, Ngāti Rangiwēwehi, Ngāti Mākino, Ngāti Pikiao, me Ngāti Ranginui hoki.
I am honoured to be elected to represent Tapuaehāruru marae on Te Runanga ō Ngāti Pikiao board. I love they trust me to raise any concerns or suggestions on their behalf, as well as communicating back with any updates. I love seeing all of the beautiful mahi being done for our people of all ages.
Naku Na
Chanelle Spurr
He uri āhau tēnei nō Ngāti Tamateatutahi | Ngāti Kawiti, Ngāti Rangiwēwehi, Ngāti Mākino, Ngāti Pikiao, me Ngāti Ranginui hoki.
I am honoured to be elected to represent Tapuaehāruru marae on Te Runanga ō Ngāti Pikiao board. I love they trust me to raise any concerns or suggestions on their behalf, as well as communicating back with any updates. I love seeing all of the beautiful mahi being done for our people of all ages.
Naku Na
Chanelle Spurr
Frances Teinakore-Curtis
Trustee Representative for Tapuaekura Rākeiao
Ko Haumingimingi te maunga
Ko te Rotoiti I kite ai a Ihenga te moana
Ko Tapuaekura a Hatupatu te Marae
Ko Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Hinerangi, Ngāti Rongomai,
Ngāti Rangitihi, Ngāti Mākino,
Tainui, Pare Hauraki ōku iwi
Ko Robert Te Pere Curtis rāua ko Elsie Kiringaro Curtis ōku Mātua
Ko Frances Teinakore-Curtis tōku ingoa
Ko te Rotoiti I kite ai a Ihenga te moana
Ko Tapuaekura a Hatupatu te Marae
Ko Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Hinerangi, Ngāti Rongomai,
Ngāti Rangitihi, Ngāti Mākino,
Tainui, Pare Hauraki ōku iwi
Ko Robert Te Pere Curtis rāua ko Elsie Kiringaro Curtis ōku Mātua
Ko Frances Teinakore-Curtis tōku ingoa
Carolyn Jones
Trustee Representative for Ngati Parua o Paruaharanui
Carolyn Jones, Ngati Parua o Paruaharanui Marae, Ngati Te Takinga, plus others. Retired. Worked in education and training for 40 years. A trustee for 15 to 20 years. Love the Runanga and the mahi it does ia ra ia ra. Nga mihi.
Katrina Maaka
Trustee Representative for
Roland Kingi
Trustee Representative for Kahumatamomoe
Keith Waaka
Trustee Representative for Te Takinga
Tania Turner
Trustee Representative for Te Awhe
Pare Merito
Te Runanga o Ngati Pikiao General Manager